Monday, April 8, 2013

101 westbound

101 westbound takes me to many destinations
Firstly west where the neighborhoods suddenly seem more tidy
The roads more smooth
The landscapes more neat.
The people look so secure and happy
Tax dollars spent on preserving this superficial wealth
While the 101 eastbound takes me to different destinations
Where you leave sunny Miami-Dade and enter into Mangonia Park
Where neighborhoods are a little more gritty
Roads have a few more pot holes
Brick walls exist with lame graffiti
That wishes it were as good as the kind in California or New York.
101 eastbound is the journey I take every day,
To the east where the money is to be made.
Where I'm from.
Where I remember that one day I will get out.
101 westbound will be my escape. 

There is a freeway in Miami called the 101 west, and everyone who lives there knows that it runs through the worst part into the best part. 
For the people, like me, the 101 westbound, is an escape. 
Now, I am proud of where I came from but people define me by where I come from and I always felt that even though I was from the Eastside, the 101 westbound was what gave me hope.  

I wonder if this uploaded the way you wanted it to? There are a lot of lines run together in what I'm seeing--I'll check with you in class...

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