Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Psychosis of a schizophrenic. (SS 3)

Though I'd encourage you to continue working on the 1st to clarify that first doctor's visit... 

maybe you can reverse the order of things a little and have the first couple of episodes first, 

so that he visits the Dr because he's a little alarmed? Then, at the end, you say there should  

have been a diagnosis of schizophrenia... but there was... score = 25, on the strength of your 

above and beyond in writing 3 stories!

The following is a diary written by a man recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. He went in for a physical for an international trip and learned he had schizophrenia. The diary follows how he dealt with it 
Day 1: I've never written in a diary before. Is this even a diary? Is that manly to say? Is this a journal? Well, whatever this is, I will be writing in it from now on. My name is Frank Talesco, I'm 23, I live in Stockton, California, and  I rent a little room which has been converted from a cellar. Most would view this as cosy and satisfactory. I most certainly did. It's been about two hours since I came back from the doctors. I'm planning, well, was planning on going to Thailand and seeing where my baby girl currently lives, oh yeah, did I mention I have a daughter? 'Cause I do, but her mother took her away a few weeks after her 10th birthday which was three years ago to the date, because she felt like I was a threat to Mikyla, she said she sensed something was extremely wrong. I, on the other hand, didn't. But that's a story for a different day, lets get back to the doctors. I had my appointment today, and I went in with confidence as I always do. Every since I was a young lad, I've had an immaculate health record, with a few issues, here and there but nothing about today's appointment would've changed that, so I thought. I had to go in to get all my shots, and my physical in order to go to Thailand. I went in and everything was fine. He did a few more tests than usual, but I didn't think anything of it. Now, it's all I can think of. You know that scene in a movie, where the actor finds out he or she has disease, and their face suddenly goes blank and the smile seems to have flown off their face within a split second? That's exactly how I looked, when the doctor told me I was schizophrenic. Me, schizophrenic? How is that even possible? It can't be, there were no signs, no voices telling me to kill my family, so how could can that possibly be?
Day 2 : The landlord didn’t come around today. He does so every Sunday to check up on everything and have a cup of tea. He seems like a lonely fellow so I normally talk to him for a while. I’m probably overreacting. People are busy these days, I’m sure he has a lot of work on his hands. The room is still giving me a weird feeling. Whenever I walk past the small bathroom in the corner I feel like there’s a presence of some thing or someone with me. I’ve always been into my supernatural stuff. Maybe this time I will get to experience it.
Day 3: Haven’t been out of the room for three days now. There’s no need to. The joys of working from home. There’s an eerie silence outside. No cars or people hustling past.   I think I’ve been inside to much. Should probably call someone and go out for a coffee.
Day 4: Nearly finished my report. Good news. Weird thing happened today. Called one of my friends, Kate. As soon as she picked up I could feel the line wasn’t secure. I heard that echo that you hear as soon as someone outside the conversation picks up the phone. I hung up straight away. Went for a short walk. I think the stress is getting to me. I couldn’t help but notice everyone looking at me as I walked by. Weird.
Day 5:  Something weird is going on. The bulb in my room has begun to glow a dark green colour. Got a call today. When I answered I only heard static. I don’t know what is happening but I decided to call the power company of my cellphone. They said there was a storm out east, which had cut out the power lines.
Day 6: My computer and television have turned off. The phone isn’t working. The light is still glowing a light green. I haven’t shaved or slept properly in days. I really need to get out of this room.
Just heard something in the bathroom. I don’t know what it is. This is starting to get a bit creepy. I don’t want to get up. My laptop is on low battery. The power is off. The bulb is still glowing this ghastly green. I can’t stand it anymore. I’m going to see what happened in the bathroom.

Day : My computer shut off. I’m working off my typewriter now. I have to record what is happening. Its fascinating. I finally saw it. The green light, the noises, the silence all finally explained. The truth has finally dawned upon me. I need to get this out. If you’re reading this you can’t trust anyone. Noone. I don’t know why they chose to warn me. At this point the diary gets incoherent. The typist begins to type in some sort of gibberish language.
 Day : I see them they’re outside my door. In black suites. They want me because I know what they don’t want you to know. “John, you’re not going to get in trouble.” “We just want to help you.” I know their mind games.
Apparently there’s a doctor out there now. He said that he needs to help me before I do something I regret. Do they really think I’m stupid. I’ve blocked the door with the fridge. Theres no way they are getting in unless they dig their way through.
They have my friend. She talked to me or the first time in eight days today. “John. Its Kate. You need to do what these guys are saying. They just want to help you. I haven’t heard from you in so long. I’m so worried.” Who do they think I am? I know the answer to everything. They told me. They warned me about this. They can help me.
Day : They’re infiltrating me from the outside. Probably with radiation. The pain has go so bad. My stomach is hurting. I can’t lift my hands up from the type writer anymore. They are slowly killing me. I can barely keep my head up. They’re getting to me. Don’t trust anyone. 
The fire department managed to break the door down after police did not hear from inside for two days. Inside, the room was found in a tip. The television was smashed to pieces, the computer too with just the hard drive taken out, The toilet had been cracked with an unbelievable force.  One chair in the room contained a slowly decomposing corpse of a skinny middle aged Caucasian male. Upon investigation the deceased had died for dehydration. In the post mortem report speculation had arisen to whether the man should have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, based on the events that occurred. No loss of power had affected the room. The light bulb was not damaged and when turned on worked as it should. Anyone reading this should note that the man who wrote this was mentally unstable. There was no proof that anything was infiltrating his room apart from the police who were trying to help him. No other people or animals were found in the room. The health history of the man was immaculate therefore many speculate as to what caused this heavy onset of psychosis.

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