Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A flower and a mirror

When you shine light into a mirror,
The mirror doesn’t absorb it in,
It just reflects it back.
Or, if you’re a scientist, and like experiments,
Light can also refract.
When light is given to a flower,
It doesn’t reflect it back,
It absorbs it in
UV Rays, and a bit of concentration,
Amongst other wonders, can sustain life.
When you put me in a situation
Where I will have to do
Either one of two things;
You will find that I will do neither
For I am just an imitation of light
And of life.
Can I be less oblique?
I am artificial life; a fake; a phony.
I can carry no light. I am a mirror in that way.
Do you see where I am going?
Flowers take in the UV light, and create life.
I want to do the same—
Not just reflect back the light and life
I’ve been given, but to absorb it in
and make it easier for others to live, and breathe, again.

I had gone to the Exploratorium and one of the exhibits is a mirror and some kid was pointing a laser pointer into it and it sparked a thought in me. We don't really absorbs things, we simply reflect them. Our looks, thoughts, and knowledge, simply just a reflection. Nothing is truly absorbed.

This one I like a lot, Stina--I like it's conversational/philosophic tone, and I like that you're asking me to picture something and work that picture... good work here

So, since it's 25 pts for four poems, the most I can give you is 12.5. Because the first one needs more work, I'll give you 10 pts.  

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