Sunday, March 10, 2013

Norman Bates: The Real Story

Redrum is the theme of this nightmare. As a young kid, Norman Bates was never a child to lead or follow, he liked being invisible. Much like a sloth, he moved at an extremely slow pace, which sadly made him the target for most of the other kids.  Teased day after day throughout school, Norman gained the nickname, "Psycho." Little did they know, that's what he was soon to become. Now an adult, to get away from the daily torture, he worked at The Bates Motel, a motel that his grandmother had built in the middle of nowhere, however, the vacancy sign never came on so most of his days, he spent alone. One day while at the front desk, Norman heard about these murders on the news, and about how the killer had put so much intricate action in torturing and killing his victims that Norman suddenly felt this weird feeling in his gut, almost like a child in a candy store. While watching the news, almost as if a  lightbulb went off, Norman decided to become a copycat of the killer. He started planning out how he going to select, capture, torture and finish off his victims. Even though he had so much to think about when it came to his victims, there was one thing Norman was certain of, and that was what his weapon of choice would be, and it was a knife. But not just any knife, no, a butcher knife. He thought it made for more pain and he liked the idea of how it cut through flesh. The more and more Norman thought about how he would slice and dice his victims, the more he got a thirst for a messy crime scene, his goal? A complete and total bloodbath. His ideal crime scene would make anyone feel sick. He wanted to make not only his victims suffer, but the people who discovered the scenes as well. Finally, it was the night he had planned to catch and kill his first victim. But in the corner of his eye he sees a middle aged man walking towards the motel. The man walks in and asks about the nearest gas station, and Norman remained silent. The man, confused, started to turn back around, when Norman took the knife from under the desk, and side swept the man, hitting him right in the neck. The man fell to the floor, and bled out. Norman felt so proud of himself because he had finally committed his fist homicide. Weeks went by with no word from the outside world. Then one day, out of the blue, rangers discovered the man's car and starting searching the area. To avoid an end to his sick and disturbed hobby, Norman started to find safe houses to hide out in. To this date, some 15 years later, Norman Bates was never found. He changed locations, changed victim type and hundreds of people were killed throughout the years. Some say he died, some say he is still out there, looking for his next victim, but if one thing has remained the same these past 15 years, it's that everyone stays fearful that they'll be next.

well... it's a good story but I'm not sure why you're re-telling the story of Psycho here... you were to write YOUR family story... hmmm... I'll ask you in class.

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